Where is James Bond?

Many of the plots of James Bond movies, revolve around some individual or company that is trying to enrich themselves by monopolising world resources. For instance, in The Man with the Golden Gun, James Bond uncovers a plot to corner the world’s energy supplies. In Goldfinger, the main villain attempts to increase the value of his gold by contaminating the gold in Fort Knox with radiation. Others such as Golden Eye and Diamonds are Forever, revolve around the concept of holding Earth to ransom with various weapons.

More often than not, these elaborate plots are hiding behind legitimate enterprises which sometimes even appear to be charitable organisations. James very effectively uncovers these plots and ‘takes out’ the villain. Often leaving his ‘lair’ just as it explodes into a billion pieces. As a reward for his heroics, he gets to spend some quality time with the official eye candy of the movie.

So, my question is this: Where is James Bond now? What if I told you that there is a plot afoot by a number of global corporations to hold the world to ransom by controlling the food supply of the world. Just like in the movies, these companies appear to be legitimate and give the impression that they are benefiting us and the world we live in. Just like the in the James Bond movies, because of their power and money, the governments and law enforcement agencies are powerless to stop them. And just as James Bond often found that people he trusted were working for the enemy, people on the payroll of these companies have infiltrated the government and public protection agencies in order to ensure that all goes according to plan. You don’t know who you can trust.

This is no conspiracy theory, this is proven fact. What am I talking about? Well, carry on reading and you will find out…

In 1999, at a Biotech industry conference, a consultant from Arthur Anderson explained how his company helped Monsanto to create a plan to control the world’s food supply. First, they asked Monsanto what their ideal future looked like in fifteen to twenty years. Monsanto executives described a world with 100 percent of all commercial seeds genetically modified and patented. Anderson Consulting then worked backwards from that goal, and developed the strategy and tactics to achieve it. They presented Monsanto with the steps and procedures needed to obtain a place of industry dominance in a world in which natural seeds were virtually extinct.

Little more than 10 years ago, one would never have imagined this plan being feasible. The reason is that it was not possible to patent living organisms. So step one of the plan: change that law. It didn’t take long to do. Now that corporations can patent their seeds, they can charge people for using them.

The next thing they needed to do was make sure the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not have any problems with their genetically modified organisms. This was not done by vigorous testing and demonstration of the safety of GMOs. Oh no, it was much easier (because they aren’t safe) to install someone sympathetic to the biotech industry, in the FDA in order to ensure the GMOs were not heavily examined. They did a great job with this one, by the end of it the FDA decided that GMO’s were basically the same as the original organism (yet different enough to patent?) and therefore REQUIRED ABSOLUTELY NO TESTING before release. The seed companies were allowed to self govern the process. In other words they could elect to submit data that they thought was relevant when they applied for the licence to grow a particular seed for human consumption.

So now the plan is rolling along nicely: they have patented seeds which they have permission to use. They market them to the farmer who thinks it’s a good idea to use them because (for example) he can spray herbicide onto the field and the GM plants will not die, only the weeds. When he signs the contract, he is legally bound to use the pesticide provided by the same company that made the GM seeds. He is also not allowed to save his seed, he must buy new seed from the company every year.

So now we have this GM seed out there, but not everyone is buying it. Some are smart enough to realise the dangers and opt not to use it. However, seed does not stay in one place. It travels by wind and even escapes when it is being transported. So Monsanto checks the fields of farmers not using it’s GM seed and finds that their fields are in fact contaminated with GM crops and sues them for using their seed without permission.

Just so you understand what is happening here: A farmer decides not to use GM seed, but GM seed from trucks passing by blows into his field. Monsanto then sues him for using their seed. Guess what the supreme court of the United States of America ruled? Yup, guilty farmer. He had to pay a huge fine plus legal costs.

A biotech consultant once said, “The hope of the industry is that over time, the market is so flooded that there’s nothing you can do about it. You just sort of surrender.”

GM seeds cannot be recalled. Once they are in the environment they spread out and contaminate the other non-GM crops so that eventually everything is contaminated and hence falls under Monsanto’s patent.

Usually, farmers have to pay Monsanto for the seeds. In Australia, where they are busy trying to introduce GM seeds, Monsanto is trying to implement another model, where they are paid per ton of harvested crop. Which means they can go around and test all harvested crops, anything even slightly contaminated will fall under their patent and the farmer will have to pay them.

We could find out in 20 years time that GM crops are very bad for the environment and very bad for us (we are already finding that out in the independent studies that are being done), what will we do then? We cannot call back the seeds, everything will be contaminated. GM food does not have to be labelled so you do not know when you are consuming it.

That is some pretty scary stuff. Biotech companies are trying to control the world’s food supply using technology which has NOT BEEN PROPERLY TESTED. What is our government doing about this? Well, keep your eye on the news, they are currently evaluating whether to allow GM potatoes or not.

Where is James Bond? I need some people taken out and some buildings blown up.


7 responses to “Where is James Bond?”

  1. Shane Rogel

    Loved the Article.

  2. Andrew

    Interesting…but scary if it’s all true…never read about that stuff in the news.

  3. It certainly is true and there’s plenty more where that came from. I agree, it is scary, that’s why consumers need to be informed so they can do something about it.

    You won’t hear about it in the news because the media are scared of the powerful biotech companies. Many an expose and news piece has been squashed by threatening letters from the biotech companies.

    Plus they spend a fortune on propaganda like the article in last month’s Men’s Health. I will post an article with a rebuttal to that article soon.

    There are a few documentaries available which are worth watching, eg. Future of Food, Seeds of Deception and Seeds of Change.

  4. Hamish

    There is a fantastic documentary along these lines which I highly recommend called “The Corporation”. Frightening stuff.

    If you supply me with the Aston Martin, the laser-guided martini’s (shaken not stirred) and a bevy of hot babes, I would be more than willing to step into the breach!

  5. Hamish, I have The Corporation. It’s brilliant, but as you say, scary. The other documentaries I mentioned focus specifically on Biotech companies, but that one shows how in many industries, big companies are trampling on people’s human rights in order to make enormous profits.

    Something has to change.

  6. Oliver

    Hi Dax,

    Thanks so much for bring this information to your readers. I have been following this company for a while now, and unfortunately – I have to say that you are just beginning to scratch on the surface of what is really going on.

    “A few days ago, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Monsanto in their case of suing a 75-year-old bankrupt Indiana farmer who dared to buy and save non-Monsanto seeds.

    As of January 2013 Monsanto has filed 144 lawsuits against 410 farmers and 56 small farms alleging patent infringement in 27 different states. Two Supreme Court justices, Thomas and Kagan, have ties to legally defending Monsanto before their appointments to the Supreme Court.

    (In other words – Monsanto actually has representatives in the Supreme Court which are able to influence the court proceedings)

    Today, Monsanto has threatened to sue the entire state of Vermont because they’re on the verge of passing North America’s first GMO-truth-in-labeling law. Their threats are endangering this law being passed.” (These three paragraphs are quoted from a fastidious follower of the case, whos identity I will keep protected for now)

    For anyone interested in finding out more, here’s a great article entitled – ’10 things monsanto doesn’t want you to know’ – http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/pub/Main/JoAnnAlvarez/ten-things-monsanto.pdf

    So, there is light at the end of the tunnel and here are some tips that I have been using in my own life:

    – Buy organic as much as possible. Woolworths has a small selection of organic products – and they taste much more “real” than some of the other engineered fruit and veg. Just looking at some of the fruit/veg in most stores you will notice that they often look almost “too perfect”. A real, organic vegetable will have some imperfections and should not look like a cloned species.

    – I LOVE this Cape Townian brand called “Wild Organics” (http://www.wildorganics.co.za/) where customers can order a bag full of seasonal fruit and veg for about R150 per week. This also supports local farmers and supports the idea that eating seasonal food is a healthy lifestyle choice. I cannot recommend them highly enough, and encourage anyone with similar offerings in other parts of South Africa to share their ideas.

    – Avoid the most common GMO foods, as outlined here – http://www.nationofchange.org/top-10-gmo-foods-avoid-1343568178

    Some of the top culprits include corn, soy, sugar and canola.

    Ultimately it comes down to the power that is in each consumers buying choices. The less we support the brand by buying their products, the less money we feed them to continue building their empire.

    Thanks again for posting this article Dax.