The Tipping Point review



This book is a very short read, which gives it a very high time to benefit ratio. The concept of a tipping point is not new, but Malcom Gladwell uses very interesting and relevant real-life examples to illustrate how small things make the difference without us even realising it.

He shares some interesting thoughts on the types of people that play a role in pushing something towards a tipping point. This information becomes very useful in a business context, especially marketing. However, this information is useful for other applications too and this is demonstrated by the diversity of the examples he uses. Bravely, he uses his theories to tackle the problem of teenage smoking. It would be interesting to see what the results would be if his theory was put to the test. I have heard many people mention this book and I’m glad I have read it now.

I’d recommend The Tipping Point to just about any person who is interested in broadening their understanding of social dynamics and particularly those who are looking for that extra edge in the challenging world of marketing.

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